DIY Sugar Scrub (several scents & variations)


For many years, I have hosted a present party around the holidays. Around 30 ladies gather and make DIY gifts for several hours, eating, drinking and talking (and some crafting, haha). Each year, when any lady sat down at the sugar scrub table, there were always glees of delight. Because sugar scrub is that awesome. It has been a favorite in our household (even among the skincare-hesitant guys) for years. Especially in the winter months when your hands are getting cracked & dry, and there seems like nothing will help.

Sugar scrub is invigorating & exfoliates your skin… as well as moisturizes the heck out of it. AND…it has an intoxicating aroma that leaves your skin feeling soft & amazing.

It also couldn’t be easier to make. It looks so pretty and fancy people will think you put some amazing gift-giving effort in, and its our little secret that it was a cinch.

Some favorite variations are peppermint, lavender, and peony. I have so much love for these three that its hard for me to deviate, but really the sky is the limit on the combinations, scents, or herbs. You can add essential oils, just use herbs for your scents, or do both. Because I am always extra on stuff like this, I do both. :) So here are some recipes, ENJOY!

Side notes & utterances:

  1. While sugar is not good for your inside of your body, it is a great exfoliate for your skin. :)

  2. These use coconut oil, but you can sub for other oils, just realize they might not harden like coconut oil in the jar (but you can add less oil to balance the ratios).

  3. Also, if you are in the shower…and you put this on your feet… be careful. It is slippery! Lets just say I know from experience.

  4. You can make these very fancy with jars of all sorts (World Market carries a wonderful selection, but I love using old recycled jars and sprucing it up with a ribbon. You can tie with holiday ribbon, decorate with a candy cane, fresh or dried herb or flower.

  5. Make some extra. You are gonna want a jar (or two). You will thank me later. :)

  6. Always use therapeutic essential oils on the skin. Crappy essential oils you can buy for under $5 on the grocery isle usually contain additives that are not super fab for your gorgeous skin.

DIY sugar scrub recipe

DIY Sugar Scrub Recipe


  • 1 cup granulated sugar, white or brown, preferably organic

  • ½ cup coconut oil (can sub for other oils such as olive, avocado)

  • essential oils of your preference (optional)

  • 1 small glass mason jar


  1. Mix all ingredients and store in an airtight container, such as a mason jar.

  2. Use a small amount as needed in the shower. Scrub skin with the sugar mixture and then rinse will. Try to leave it for after you have washed the skin, so you don’t wash off when using soap. Be careful! Can make shower or tub surfaces slippery.


  • Peppermint: Add 12 drops peppermint essential oil, garnish jar with peppermint leaf or candy cane. Can also add dried peppermint leaf (only will need about 1 tablespoon).

  • Lavender: Add 15 drops lavender essential oil, garnish jar with lavender sprig, dried flower. Can also add lavender flowers to mixture (only will need about 1 tablespoon).

  • Peony or Rose: Add 10 drops rose essential oil, dried peony or rose flowers (about 1 tablespoon). Garnish with peony flower, dried rose or pink ribbon.