Antidotes & Plant Allies for Challenging Times


By Amy Lupton

The past few years have thrown many for a loop, and I get asked frequently about herbs for relaxation, sleep, and stress.

People are in challenging times, and escapism is being used more than ever. I understand this coming from a family with drug abuse and alcoholism. Thus, seeking healthy alternatives to cope with stress is important to me and for also for my clients.

Many folks are also in challenging times that are out of their control and they need tools more than ever to cope with challenges. If you know how, you can be empowered to act. And empowerment builds hope.

As a spiritual person, relying on my faith and prayer is paramount in challenging times, as well as using the natural God-given antidotes and plant allies that are on the Earth. These can help our bodies sync and balance when we are out of alignment.

Here are a few tools (some of these are adapted from our friends at to help you in challenging times. My hope is that you can pull a few of these tips and plant allies to use when needed.

Tools to Support You in Challenging Times

Use Intention. Set an intention that you have the strength and courage to get through this difficulty with grace. Whether this be writing it down or creating a mantra that you voice out loud… make your intention set by wording it personally for you and your situation.

Say Bye Bye to Negativity. Negative thoughts will surface, and that’s normal. Acknowledge them, and then send them packing.

Be Thankful and Grateful. Finding things to be thankful for and have gratitude for are SO IMPORTANT in challenging times. Acknowledging what you are grateful for will help you understand that there is only part of your life that is being challenged, not your whole life. Write these down. Use a gratitude journal, write it on your mirror every morning, use a sticky note on your computer or phone. Post it on your fridge, your car, social media… whatever floats your boat.

Follow Your Gut Feeling. Trust your inner intuition. If it feels off, it probably is, and trust that in yourself.

Reach Out to Your Circle. We all need help. Reach out and share and communicate. Join a support group, talk to someone who will listen. People love to help and all they want you to do is ask.

Be Flexible. It’s ok to adjust plans when unexpected things come up, or you are guided to a different path. It may be the opportunity you need.

Let Go. Releasing what is out of your control will lift a great burden off your shoulders. Some call it, “Let Go and Let God.”

Practice Self-Care and Set Limits. Nurture all aspects of yourself. Mind, Body, and Spirit. When you are depleted, you can’t operate correctly and in the way needed for yourself. Don’t spread yourself too thin by taking on too much. It’s ok to say no to take better care of yourself.

Shift Your Perspective. Be open to find the lessons in your situation. There are opportunities for growth in tough places.

Act Now. Don’t wait to take action until everything is perfect. Start from where you are and work with what you have.

Plant Allies for Challenging Times

Herbs can help on many levels to calm the spirit, body and mind when challenging times arise. Different classes of herbs can be used synergistically to help the being cope with challenging times.

Using plants that are nourishing (called nutritives) can diminish stress by rebuilding minerals and nutrients in the body. Nervines help our nervous system by helping us feel relaxed, peaceful and calm. Adaptogens help the body adapt to stress and what the individual needs at each moment. Immune support herbs will help balance your immune system, and assist in detox that might be needed to keep you aware and focused of your challenges you are facing.

Here are some of our favorite formulas that contain some of these classes of herbs listed above. These are wonderful tonics that help balance body stresses, I encourage you to click on these and read more about them. :)

Here are some plant allies below that can be worked into your meals, as a tea, however you see fit:

Always check with your health practitioner before beginning a new regimen of herbs. We are always here if you want to reach out and ask us a question.

  • Nutritive- Nettle, Milky Oats, Dandelion, Lemon Balm, Thyme, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Elderberry, Rose, Cacao.

  • Nervine- Hops, Rose, Cacao, Peppermint, Linden, reishi, Motherwort, Lavender, Chamomile, Hawthorne, Tulsi, Skullcap.

  • Adaptogens- Tulsi, Reishi, Ashwaghanda, Astragalus, Rose

  • Immune Supporting Herbs- Elderberry, Thyme, Astragalus, Turmeric

Sending you love and light on your journey, may you realize that challenging times come and go and Now. It's. Like. This.