Uncommon Ways to Keep Your Immune System Thriving & Surviving During the Holidays


By Amy Lupton

The immune system has a vital role: It protects your body from harmful substances, toxins, pathogens and cell changes that could make you ill or your body susceptible to disease. It also works to keep your brain calm and your nervous system able to detect stress & emergencies when needed.

Even though many times you don’t know that it’s there, it’s always working behind the scenes. During the holiday season, one or more of these will usually apply to the human in today’s world:

  • Holiday season parties and celebrations

  • Stress of the hustle and bustle

  • Less that optimal nutrition choices

  • Not enough sleep and down time

While we might all be able to relate, these can affect the immune system and its performance.

Common things that can lower immune function:

  • Eating refined and excess sugar and too much sugar in general

  • Not getting enough sleep

  • Not moving your body or getting exercise

  • Putting excess toxins in your body, such as alcohol

But did you know uncommon things as gut health, excessive phone time, arguments, toxic body products, and a less-than oral hygiene regimen can also lower the immune system response?

Here are a few uncommon ways to keep your immune system thriving and happy for the holiday season!

If you would like to read more in depth about some of these topics, please read our 10 Unconventional Ways to Support Your Immune System blog.

  • Make sure you are prioritizing your mental health. Your Immune System & Mental Health are connected (1, 2). It hasn’t been well understood until the last 10 years or so, but your mental health is connected to your immune health, and your brain/emotions/nervous system all play a role in a well functioning immune system. This is why mental health practices are so important such as meditation, journaling, counseling, group therapy, and trauma care. These are especially important during the holiday season, when family patterns, and excess emotions are prevalent.

  • Eat probiotic foods.The human gut comprises of about 80% of the immune system (3) and bacteria are a big part of that equation. Making sure you are digesting food properly (being calm while eating, taking digestive enzymes, etc), eating probiotic foods, or taking a probiotic supplement can really help out.

  • Try to stay away from late night phone surfing. Ocular stress can effect the immune system (4). Our phones emit a blue light that is harmful to the eye, especially after dark. This can disregulate hormone production, sleep, and blood sugar balance. Opt for a screen optimizer such a f.lux if you have to be on your phone, or put your phone down and read a book.

  • Get fresh air everyday. We tend to get bottled up inside during the colder months, but immune health and Vitamin D are important to synergies. Take a walk after a meal, go sit outside on your lunch break, just get the sun in your eyes and on your skin. Even if it’s cold, there is value for the immune system.

  • Take a few slow deep breaths. In a recent study, the long and meditative breath was linked to immune and nervous system health (5). It presented a calmer physiology all around, reducing inflammation, heart rate and blood pressure. Try it out and take a time away and breathe. ☺️

  • Ditch the toxic body products. Parabens, artificial fragrance, BPA, phthalates all can have an adverse effect on the immune system, as they alter hormone regulation and can activate an immune system response.

  • Make sure you are keeping up with your oral care regimen. The biome of the mouth has an important role in immune health, and if left unchecked and unbalanced, can cause a detriment. Make sure you are sticking to non-toxic tooth and mouth products, tongue scraping, not killing off your mouth biome with anti-bacterial products.