All About Fertility


All About Fertility

Using Herbs, Nutrition and Lifestyle to help with Fertility

By Amy Lupton

Pregnancy is an amazing thing. I am always fascinated by the body and its ability to reproduce. Everything needs to be just right, at the right time.

We won’t go into all the nuances of conception, although this is important… we highly recommend re-familiarizing with all of the body’s amazing feats it overcomes to happily create a life.

In the US, it is estimated that 15-20% of couples are infertile. Infertile is defined as a couple who is actively trying to get pregnant for 12 months or more if under 35 years of age, and for 6 months or more if over 35 years of age. This is only inclusive to couples who are using the right timing during ovulation windows.

Before we proceed further, if you suspect you are having fertility issues, is best to pair with a medical professional and/or natural practitioner to help understand the root causes of your bio-individual nature and the fertility concerns you’re having.

We recommend the following for fertility support:

  • Seeing a Fertility Awareness Specialist or other experienced practitioner that supports your wellness beliefs and journey.

  • Evaluation of your body through preferred testing methods (blood tests, hormonal testing etc)

  • Preconception diet & optimal nutrition by a nutritional therapist

  • Herbal recommendations by an experienced herbalists in pre-conception

If you have one of the following conditions: Ovary defects such as premature ovarian failure, hyperprolactinemia, pituitary disfunction, pelvic inflammation and/or scar tissue, sexually transmitted disease, endometriosis, fibroids, endocrine disturbances, we recommend pairing with a medical and herbal practitioner to find the right herbs to support your condition on your journey.

Herbal Support: We are confident that herbs can address & help almost all conditions of the body, these herbs discussed in this blog are targeted for general infertility that accounts from the majority of cases, such as stress, pelvic congestion, and hormone disregulation. We highly recommend that you educate yourself on your cycle, and become familiar with your body. It always helps to know thyself, so you can ask help can get assistance from professionals. :)

Body Awareness - A few more additions that we love and feel the need to mention. Many clients (especially women) are not aware of their body. Maybe a few things here and there will they notice, but when it comes to reproductive areas, breast tissue, vaginal health… they are clueless. So we urge you to become familiar with yourself. Are you aware of your body, know what is normal and not? Self knowledge is crucial. Be aware of your body, to increase fertility. We recommend looking into the Fertility Awareness Method.

Basic Fertility Tests & Labs:

If you want to dive in more about Basic Fertility Tests or Labs we recommend researching the following and going with what works for you and your situation:

  • Ovulation Testing:

  • Basal Body temperature charts

  • Ovulation Predictor Kits

  • Blood Tests and Ultrasound

  • Ovulation Function Tests:

  • Day 3 FSH

  • Day 3 Estradiol Tests

  • Inhibin B Levels

  • Luteal Phase Testing

  • Plasma Progesterone Level

  • Hormone Tests (Prolactin, Androgen and TSH)

  • Endrometrial Biopsy

  • Cervical Mucos Evaluation

  • Postcoital Test (PCT)

Potential Causes of Infertility:

Before we get into the herbs, let us chat briefly about certain causes of infertility, some that might not be discussed frequently or regularly at your doctor’s office. With our clients, we feel these factors do play a significant role in some cases and should not be overlooked.

  • Environmental Toxins - This is a big one, that can be overwhelming. There is no escaping all toxins, but there is a way they can be minimized in the home and immediate environment. Some tips to try to mitigate toxin exposure:

    • Pay close attention that you & your partner are using non-toxic cleaning and body products, even laundry detergent. This applies to makeup as well. There are many non-toxic companies that make fantastic products. See for guidelines.

    • A chemical called BPA found in plastics has been studied at length and is of concern to many governmental bodies & agencies for women, children, and babies. It is best to find BPA free products when you can, especially if you have a tendency to use a microwave. BPA free is easy to find, because many have caught onto this trend.

    • Excess aluminum has been proven to cause an issue with hormone balance. Try to stick away from cooking in aluminum pans, and drinking excessively out of aluminum cans.

    • Air quality can be a factor if not addressed. Try incorporating plants into your home (they naturally filter the air), and possibly getting an air filter for your home. If you have a lot of new furniture, a new car etc, consider airing out your home or car with you in it as best as you can.

    • Smoking and alcohol can be factors, and must be addressed.

  • Medications and Birth Control - Get with your doctor and let them know you are trying to conceive. Some medications can interfere with fertility in the couple. Also, if the woman has been on birth control for a long period of time, this can effect the body for a while after stopping the birth control, so take that into consideration and allow the body to balance back out.

  • Psychological Factors & Stress - Many couples overlook the mental & psychological factors that play a large part in fertility. I have found stress and emotional problems account for around 60-70% of cases that come through our office, and many need a change in lifestyle, stress reductions, or deal with emotional burdens that need to be addressed. We highly recommend therapy (whether its couple or individual), and taking a look at your lifestyle and how it could be contributing to stress. More on stress below :)

  • Use of Artificial Lubricants and Excessive Douching - These practices can interfere with conception. Use a natural lubricant, or even olive or coconut oil. Best to quit douching for a while. Check out the Your Yoni Health blog.

  • Exercise Balance - Find the right style that you enjoy, and doesn’t over stress your body. We have had many clients who are working out too much and can’t get pregnant.

How to Support Your Body When Trying to Conceive:

  • Nutrition - Pre-conception nutrition is paramount in the couple, making sure the body is balanced and nourished for conception. This is becoming more widely known now, but usually all the mainstream doctor will address is getting on a prenatal vitamin. Much more attention is needed, especially if you are having infertility troubles. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

    • Always choose the best quality products possible, avoid pesticides, inorganic fertilized products, and hormonally raised animal products. Go to your local Farmers Market to get great local meats in your area.

    • When possible, always choose Certified Organic. If you can’t afford organic, look up the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen at . If you can, grow your own! This can reduce stress, and provide a sense of parenting instinct.

    • Avoid processed foods, fast foods, chemically treated foods, and industrially prepared foods.

    • Eat foods as close to Nature as possible.

    • Be calm when you eat. Saying a prayer or meditation before eating will help your food digest better!

    • Avoid soy unless fermented

    • Stay hydrated.

    • Probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, and/or probiotic supplements.

    • Humic & Fulvic Minerals can be nourishing to the couple. Just a few drops in your water bottle a day can help. We like Mother Earth brand, but there are many that are wonderful.

    • Optimize Vitamin D. (this does not mean to dose heavy on Vitamin D Supplements) We recommend using the D-Minder app and finding the times that Vitamin D is best available in your area to be absorbed through the skin.

  • Castor Oil Packs over pelvic area can help with circulation and cleansing the area. Self-care can not be understated….taking the time to do things for you and nourishing your body.

  • Abdominal Fertility Massage. We love this! Find a specialist in your area.

  • Prioritizing sleep - As goes with all body ailments, sleep is greatly healing. Many of our couples don’t get good quality sleep. Create a sleep sanctuary for you and your partner.

Stress & Infertility

As we spoke of above, there is a longstanding connection to infertility & stress.

If you think about the connection to the brain and the body, if the brain detects a “fight or flight” mode, it’s not going to prioritize pregnancy.

You can’t just throw herbs on stress without addressing the lifestyle & the reason for stress. Sometimes life and attitude need reframing, and often times having moments of meditation, nature walks, self care time can help with stress reduction. Put on top of that the stress of trying to get pregnant, treatments, and being stressed about being stressed. :)

If you have high levels of adrenaline, cortisol and catecholamines, these can inhibit the release of proper sex hormones. Herbs are great for this! A nice cup of chamomile tea before bed can do wonders on your outlook.

  • Stress reducing herbs can be helpful - Identifying stress can be very hard, and dealing with the stress can be harder. Especially if its stress that is not self induced. But your reaction to stress can be changed, learning coping skills that can calm the body. Try a few of the stress reducing herbs, and see if they make you feel a little more calm in your journey.

    • Motherwort- helps with emotional distress and hormone balance, this is one of our favorite women’s herbs! Great for heart health too. It can be a little unpleasant tasting to some, I actually like the taste… but great in a tea paired with peppermint, ginger, or slice of lemon.

    • Black Cohosh- helps lower blood pressure (use under physician guidance if on bp meds) and reduced stress

    • Shatavari- enhances fertility, adaptogen against stress, helps with PMS, immune function, estrogen modulator, remedy for vaginal dryness.

    • Milky Oats- helpful herb to smooth out frazzled nerve endings, restore flexibility to your nerves, and build a calm strength within.

    • Chamomile- relaxes entire nervous system, good for pain and stress association

    • Lemon Balm- good for anxiety, healthy response to stress

    • Hawthorne- great herb for grieving, helps heal the heart center that is stressed.

    • Skullcap- excellent for sleep and anxiousness

    • Linden- helps with depression and a cheery disposition

    • Schisandra- great for stress

    • Holy Basil- cools inflammation, helps for reducing mental fog.

    • Rhodiola- this herb is great for balancing libido, balancing outlook and reducing stressors on the body.

Fertility Tonics

Herbs have been used for thousands of years regarding fertility. When you get down to the roots of infertility in the body, if a balance needs to be found within the systems, it can usually be addressed with herbs.

Although some of the main causes of infertility are hormone imbalance and stress, these herbs can work on them gently to come to a balance within the body.

  • Ashwaghanda- helps with peri-menopausal issues, helps with adrenal disfunction. Great for men and women, can support fertility in men, and helps with sperm motility. For women, it supports the female reproductive system.

  • Dong Quai- Blood builder, not good for heavy period bleeders, supports uterine strength and tone, regulate menstral cycles and encourage menses.

  • Shatavari- enhances fertility, its an adaptogen against stress, helps with PMS, immune function, estrogen modulator, remedy for vaginal dryness. Great for men and women. Improves semen in men. Often doctors first choice when choosing herbs and fertility.

  • Rhodiola- this herb is great for balancing libido, balancing outlook and reducing stressors on the body. When used in men, it can increase sexual vitality, especially when emotional factors are at play with the couple. 7 Proven Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

  • Red Raspberry- An amazing herb for women, a tonic that can be used in all stages of a woman’s life. May work to help prevent early miscarriage and to assist early embryos in attaching to the uterine wall. The tea contains phyto-progesterone properties and can increase progesterone levels.

  • White Peony- This is a great herb in combination with other herbs, especially if the infertility is involved with a partner having PCOS (can be paired with licorice if PCOS). It is known as an ovarian tonic, and helps with pituitary regulation. Paeoniflorin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

  • Saw Palmetto- great for men and women, this herb effects the balance of free testosterone in the body. Both men and women need healthy testosterone balance for sperm and egg production.

  • Maca Root- this herb is an aphrodisiac and increases sexual desire. Helps with blood flow to pelvic area, as well as contains a wide amount of nourishing nutrients for healthy conception.

  • Vitex/Chastetree- this herb balances women’s hormones where there needs to be balance, increases energy. Promotes progesterone levels.

  • Damiana- great for men and women. Helps balance male hormones and help relax genital muscles to allow for more blood flow. Aphrodisiac, improves orgasm frequency.

  • Eleuthero root or Siberian Ginseng- this adaptogen great for men and women, but really shines in studies when combined with holy basil and astragalus for fertility. Eleutherococcus senticosus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

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