❤️ Motherhood ❤️

Photo Credit: Mel with @colecollective

Photo Credit: Mel with @colecollective


A Poem on Motherhood

By Amy Lupton

As a mom myself, I can say it's been a beautifully imperfect journey, where my heart is worn outside of my body most of the time. When we appreciate the role of a Mother, in whatever form it is defined to you, we see it is complicated and beautiful. I wrote this poem last year, and I hope it brings light into your journey now, or with your mother figure.

❤️ Motherhood ❤️

An all encompassing word that has as many different meanings as there are mothers who represent it.

A word that is not limited to children, pets, grandchildren, friends, but can describe countless relationships in this world.

A word that can change meaning depending on what day it is, what time it is, what job has to be done.

A word that requires countless job descriptions, where usually the simplest job can be the most profound.

A word that carries tremendous weight, pressure, worry, sleepless nights. A word that can carry pain, loss, disappointment.

A word that can nurture your being, knowing you had a part in shaping, molding, caring and creating a life. Being a steward to a soul.

A word that can have you laughing with silliness, or laughing with craziness all in the same minute.

A word that drops you to your knees in prayer, a subject that is closest to your heart, that reveals a spiritual rawness within you.

A word where your presence can count for enough, soothe a soul, heal a heart, catch a tear.

A word that can drag you through the mud, revealing the messy muddy nature of life...or carry you through the stars, showing you the clear sky above.

A word that comes with deep love, unconditional love, day in and out. A word that carries on forever, a word as old as time itself, a duty, a privilege, a honor.