Goddess Health Course Preview

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Hello friends! I recently created the Goddess Health course for Your Wellness Academy (YOWA) and wanted to share a little preview on my blog.

To take the full goddess health course (and many more!), please check out
yowa which offers unlimited wellness courses for $9/month!

Here’s a preview of the course:

Module 1: Breast Health Anatomy and Breast Massage and Examination

Our breasts are primarily made up of fatty tissue. This includes glandular tissue for the production of milk, and major function hub for significant lymphatic drainage. The lymph, is the most dynamic part of our breasts and exists throughout the tissue but is most concentrated with nodes in the axillary area, right underneath the armpit. There is also important lymph drainage in the crevice behind the collarbone. The breasts themselves do not contain muscular tissue, but they do overlie the pectoralis muscle.

The shape of the breasts is largely determined by how much fatty tissue there is and the distribution of fatty tissue in your bio individual body, and the tone of the supportive tissues, the connective tissue, and ligaments. Therefore, breasts come in an infinite number of shapes and sizes, and no one shape or size is better than another.

Module 2: DIY Breast Health Oil Infusion

There are many ways to herbal-infuse an oil, but my favorite is the folk or simplers method, where you simply add dried or fresh herbs into a jar and let it infuse.

For this breast oil infusion method, we are using organic dried herbs, with a carrier oil, in this case jojoba oil. Other carrier oils are acceptable such a coconut, hemp, or olive. Such oils like almond or sesame may be used (but tend to have a shorter shelf life), and you will want to make sure these oils work with your bio individual nature. We also sell this breast oil at Liferoot.

Module 3: Why a Pit Detox??

Why not just keep using regular deodorant and avoid the whole problem?

Sweating is a natural process of cooling and detoxifying your body.

The armpit is a major detox pathway, lined with lymph nodes critical to balancing the immune systems toxic load.

People are reluctant to ditch their favorite conventional deodorants. We understand the reasons people hang on to conventional deodorants and antiperspirants: we don’t want to look sweaty, smell stinky, or feel uncomfortably damp in our armpits. Hate to break it to you…but if your overly stinky, always sweaty (or as we say “pitting out”), there is some detoxing that needs to happen, and doing a pit detox will help.

Unfortunately, your deodorant, and particularly your antiperspirant, could be interfering with your body’s natural attempts to remove toxins and could potentially be causing long term health effects like breast cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.

Alternative: checkout Liferoot’s botancial based Pit Spray.

Module 4: Vaginal Health

The flora flourishes!

Flora in the human body is the good bacteria that naturally exists when optimally balanced. Healthy balanced flora in the digestive tract is the foundation for a strong immune system, even creating nutrients in our yoni. When this inner body ecosystem becomes unbalanced by a variety of reasons, the yoni flora can be overtaken by fungal, or yeast, or improper pH balance.

Healthy vaginal flora basically has no symptoms or signs.
No odor, itching or discharge. If anything, there will be a slightly pleasant odor.
Now we know what to aim for, right?
But what about the things that cause flora imbalances?
What are they, and what can we do to restore healthy balance, without needless toxic exposure to these ever so delicate tissues?

Module 5: Lets talk about vaginal steaming!

Vaginal steaming is very important and can be very helpful for women.

What is vaginal steaming? Vaginal steaming is a practice that uses hot water to create a steam with herbs that penetrate the vulva and vaginal area. You will use a sitz baths, I recommend using a stainless steal one, as some of the plastic one can contain endocrine disruptors that can bother the delicate tissue area. If you are having trouble finding one that is stainless steel, I do sell them on my website.




Supportive Women’s Health Products from Liferoot: